I started writing my post this week, detailing our little lives as a family of 3 - the good the bad and the snotty. Yeah - snot is a large part of our lives since Chloe's little eye teeth decided to make an appearance. I think I discovered baby snot on me each day last week as I was sitting at my desk talking to a client - I look down and am reminded that I'm a working mommy! My mom has always reminded me how blessed we are to have a little baby that is hitting all her milestones - a beautiful baby girl who was born healthy and has remained so. Throughout my pregnancy I was always so grateful that she was forming perfectly while continuing to gain weight and wiggle like the little worm she is today. Sadly today we learned of a family who is struggling with the tragic diagnosis of Trisomy 18 (47,XY+18). When I was 33 weeks pregnant we were 4 weeks away from meeting Chlo-worm. We were ready to meet our little girl who had received a clean bill of health. Lauren and her husband, at 33 weeks, are faced with the reality that soon they'll be picking out a coffin for their baby boy, Gabriel Patrick. God works miracles - and until we know what God has planned for little Gabriel, this poor family has to wrap their mind around the fact that Gabriel might not be coming home with them - instead he'll be going home to his Heavenly Father. As I watch my little girl grow and learn - I am heartbroken to know that this little Family won't have the blessing to see their little boy hit his milestones. Life is tragic.
It's stories like this that remind us that we need to be grateful for all the good that we have in our lives. We all face a struggle - in a lot of cases we have many many struggles. Most won't even be aware of certain struggles we face, or even the depth to which we struggle. To protect ourselves we keep them safely hidden away from public consumption. You know what I mean - the deep hurt from a divorce. Some might think it's a simple separation, but to the one going through the event it means going to bed alone, waking up without the warmth of your partner beside you. A wayward child...the way it rips a parents heart apart. The continuos wonder of what went wrong along the way. The loss of a job...the loss the loss the loss the loss. But you know what - life is good too. We learn from the bad - it makes the good so much better. But we have to be continually reminded that we need to focus on the good. While I was not in a place where I was looking at the bad, Gabriel's story still hit home - and is making me more thankful for that little baby girl of our's who is lying snuggled in her bed, safely tucked away for the night.
So, tomorrow is a new week and we'll be entering it with a more appreciative heart and attitude. We love Chloe with every ounce of our being...and we can't wait to hear our little chatterbox turn her sounds in words, her wild motions in steps...and her blow kisses in nice big purposeful smooches on the lips!