Two days ago we purposefully spent the day celebrating LIFE. Noah's life to be exact. It was exactly one year ago we were being tossed around violently by a tornadic life experience. If you followed along with us on that treacherous path that eventually lead to a HUGE miracle, you will recall. Brings back a flood of emotions, right? It's almost as if you have to untangle yourself from the web of uncertainly and pure heartache that we were all experiencing at that time, and force focus - realizing that it's behind us now. Even today a still moment of recollection has a tendency to send me into mild panic and I scramble wildly to eject myself from that memory. It was one long hard month for Noah. It was an even longer month for Natalie and Giancarlo and ALL Noah's prayer warriors who pleaded each minute for Noah's life. 12 months later we look at Noah and know that his life is a miracle. Simple as that. God gives 2nd chances. We want this one year anniversary to remind us of the GOOD in life, because there is so much of it.
Today Noah is 100% healthy! He has suffered NO organ damage despite the multiple organ failure - I'd say that alone calls for an Amen!
Today Noah is 100% healthy! He has suffered NO organ damage despite the multiple organ failure - I'd say that alone calls for an Amen!