
Week 36

8:04 PM
And. . .we are ALL still hanging in there. Readers and baby grower alike. Good news is - we have hit 9 months! We are all the more knowledgable for it too. . .and I'm rounder. First off - to those readers in the US - Happy Thanksgiving! My weekly image indicates my contributions to the event- a growing baby and desserts! We...


Week 35

9:13 AM
35 Weeks 6 Days I began the once a week doctor appointments. . .AND. . .right out the gate the little bubba is rearing to go! She is fully engaged and sitting nicely in place {head down & VERY low}. Doctor has predicted I'll have a quick labor! As I've progressed this far at 35 weeks I felt I better finish organizing everything....


Week 34

2:50 PM
Chloe and I grew this week - further expanding this body we are both trying to fit into. 34 weeks 6 days I would ask how much further can this belly stretch, but I know God has a sense of humor so I DO NOT want to find out :) ! Other than our growth, it's been a relatively standard week of which...


Week 33

7:52 AM
Week 33 - not too bad from the front. . . Whoa mama! There's Chloe!  :)  This week we find ourselves favoring the number 3. Week 33. . .and this is what I've learned Insomnia - Who needs sleep? Nope, not me apparently. Nor Jon.  I like stretchy clothes - there is nothing graceful about "slipping" this prego bod into a pair of...


Week 32

4:36 PM
EIGHT MONTHS! Whew. . . we can do this! May take a little more effort to conquer the small tasks, but the end is in sight! I think I'm getting used to rolling out of bed like a walrus, or adding some crawling movements into the process of getting up off the floor. I have now mastered putting a shoe on sideways -...


Happy Fall!

2:44 PM
We're celebrating Fall in our little household!  Next Autumn it'll be our little Chloe that will be buried in leaves :) But for 2012 - we're featuring a 32 week bump. I love traditions - and this is one of them that we revisit each year. . .Playing in the LEAVES! - followed by apple cider and an evening by the fire.  :)...


Week 31

10:00 AM
We have made it through the final week of month 7! 31 weeks 5 days Chloe had a growth spurt. As a result I now waddle, especially in the evening when I'm feeling exhausted. Even Jon made a comment. I walked into the laundry room the other night and the floor creaked. . .that was good for the self esteem :) I have...


Re-Learning Appreciation

3:37 PM
As we left 30 weeks behind and found the day after - yes, week 31, we didn't realize what else we would find. . .the true appreciation for each other, the life we have . . .and the appreciation for our little baby yet to make her entrance. Why can't we realize just how fortunate we are without having to be shown? We...


Week 30

11:31 AM
Guess What?! Yup, it's the BIG Thirty! . . . and she is getting to be a heavy little bubba! This week Chloe weighs somewhere in the 3lb range. Hard to know for sure, but I can tell you that when she's bouncing off the diaphragm or kicking my ribs with those stellar hamstrings, I can feel every ounce of her little being...


Week 29

4:26 PM
29 weeks 5 days So here we are - at the 29th week. I'm still amazed at the 4D ultrasound pictures. I've downloaded a few onto my phone and I steal a few minutes each day to look at this incredible little girl forming in my belly and am amazed at creation. The process of growing a baby from the outside looks like...


3D/4D @ 29 weeks

5:06 PM
Chloe is proving to be a shy little one :) Once again, she spent the 3D/4D ultrasound showing us how pretty her little hands were, instead of letting us see her face in its entirety. We tried everything to get her to move her hands, but she was insistent! The ultrasound tech managed to capture about 25 really adorable pictures of her profile...


Week 28

10:29 AM
Baby furniture has ARRIVED! and it's beautiful :) I was hoping to have the nursery together by now, unfortunately not, so the photo of the week reveals the upturned life we are currently experiencing :) {gosh and she hasn't even arrived yet!!} Week 28: How I actually feel! I'd like to note that those boots took me a good 10 minutes to get...


Week 27

2:35 PM
Hello heartburn - I ask for mercy. Eating and liquid consumption in general has become a painful exercise and makes me want to skip all of the above. In fact thinking about it right now makes me cringe in agony. Eventful week - as you know we had the ultrasound and glucose test - of which we are still waiting for the results...


Chloe in 3D

8:26 AM
Little Chloe Annsley had her 3D scan done yesterday - unfortunately she was rather shy so hid behind her little hands for the full 30 minutes, but we did manage to get 3 good snap shots out of her. We'll be going back in 2 weeks to try again, but for now, this is what she looks like. Chloe is also measuring a...


Maternity Pictures

12:36 PM
As promised, here are some of the belly pics we took while in Mexico. There are still more to come where I managed to wrangle Jon into several pictures - so check back for those.  ...


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