EIGHT MONTHS! Whew. . . we can do this! May take a little more effort to conquer the small tasks, but the end is in sight! I think I'm getting used to rolling out of bed like a walrus, or adding some crawling movements into the process of getting up off the floor. I have now mastered putting a shoe on sideways - this is the trick! Why didn't anyone tell me?
Chloe wiggles like crazy when she's awake. . .and wiggles like crazy when she is asleep. I jinxed myself by saying she hardly wakes me up at night. . .unless week 32 is when the baby decides it time to teach the parents what it's like to wake up multiple times through out the night. So - the the droopy eye syndrome has begun. I wake up each morning feeling like I've been out partying. Yes I can hear the giggles of readers saying "oh you just wait" :)
So this 23 hour a day wiggler is just in time for pumpkin season as she is the size of a SQUASH! Yeah, I'm being squashed by squash! She's preparing for birth by moving into the head down position. Although she still likes to spin around and head butt a rib. But we know that she is aware that the head down position is where she needs to be focusing her attention. She is still wiggling her little fingers which is the weirdest sensation - feels like she's tickling me. It's going to be interesting to see her mimic those same movements when she outside the womb. Maybe she'll be a piano player? or take after my Gramps and play the guitar? Yeah, that must be it :) Gramps, you have a little one that will be seeking your expertise in a couple of years!
Chloe's bedroom is coming along nicely. We still have a few more necessities that need to be checked off the list - but no worries - we still have some time before she arrives. I'm currently seeking book shelving options as well as pictures for her walls. Jon is making the book shelves as they need to be a little more custom to fit into the space we're working with. As for the pictures. . .
I've also officially started packing the hospital bag! Early? Nah - you never know. . .
Complaints of the week? Sore and swollen legs and fingers, exhaustion, muscle aches, ligament pain. . .lack of sleep and boy oh boy have I been uncomfortable.
What do I miss? Sleeping on my stomach, being able to bend down. . .a good proper hug!
Week 33 involves another doctor's appointment - and I think I might sneak in a prenatal massage to help these weary muscles :)
Til next week! See you.