Our little Chlo-Worm
11:17 AMAfter a month of what we can define as maternity leave from the blog, I feel it's time to pick up blogging once again - get the brain in working mode - as well as document the little life of Chloe. Throughout the course of my documented pregnancy Chloe accumulated quite a following from all over the world - from readers who know us personally, to those interested in silently following our story from a distance while they logged in from Japan, Russia and Canada... I feel I owe you all an update.
Chloe was born on November 30th at 37 weeks 6 days. She never did make that December birthday she was originally scheduled to have! By the time D-Day arrived I was more than ready...more more more than ready!
Here is Chloe's Delivery Story...
Friday, November 30th.
4:00am : It was early rise - which had become quite typical in my late pregnancy. I was feeling what I thought were mild braxton hicks contractions but didn't think too much about it. After writing some emails and keeping myself busy for a while I finally heard the coffee maker kick on - the sign the Jon is scheduled to be up. As a gesture I decided to bring him coffee in bed - each day for the past ba-zillion he's brought me tea in bed each morning, so for a change - and coz I'm up before him...lets show him how much he's loved.
6:45am: I walk into the bedroom to wake my sleepy head - place Jon's coffee on his side table. Immediately my first "big"contraction hits. Ahh no, this can't be the real thing though - just a strong braxton hicks contraction...but I thought I'd start timing them, just to humour myself and learn how to use the contraction timer at the same time. Boom - 3 minutes later I'm hit with another contraction. This one lasting the full minute. 3 minutes later another - lasting a minute. I said to Jon - I think this is it. The baby is coming today - to which my sweet husband says "no I don't think so". Warning to any men out there - I would not recommend a comment of that sort especially in the middle of a contraction. Nor would I recommend Jon's next action of stating he's off to work. My reaction to both may possibly have caused the next contraction!!
8:00am: My water breaks. My husband flies into high gear! He's in charge of calling the doctor, getting the final items together for the hospital bag...I guess he's not going to work after all :) This is a "I told you so moment - however I withhold from making the comment as ...HOLY smokes this baby is coming TODAY!!!
9:00am: We arrive at the hospital. Check in. Confirmation that I am in active labor - and off we go to the Labor and Delivery room. Wow is this really happening. Am I really here - am I really having a baby?? Time for IV...sorry no veins. After an hour of being jabbed and poked by 3 nurses including the nurse who specializes in NICU care (they figured she was a pro at finding newborns veins...so she could surely find mine - nope) Blood everywhere! Blown Veins...it was not a pretty sight. Eventually they had to go for the crook of my arm despite this being the worst place as you can't bend your arm when it comes to the pushing phase of labor. In all this - we learned why I had gone into labor early - dehydration. So - moral of the story - DRINK WATER.
11:00am: Despite trying to hold out on the epidural for as long as possible...I get one. My contractions are literally continuous. First epidural only numbs one side of my body...after an hour of them repositioning me they figure it's a lost cause - in comes the anesthetist again...he wiggles and repositions the epidural. To no avail. In comes another anesthetist...he removes the epidural and puts in another. FINALLY - relief!!
3:43pm: 9 cm dilated
4:13pm: We hit 10 cm!!
5:00pm: Chloe Annsley Addington is BORN!
After many many months of awaiting the arrival of our little girl - we see her face for the first time! And oh my - she took our breath away!! She was incredible...perfect...beautiful - and OURS :) No one in the delivery room could understand where in my body that 7lb 9oz little girl hid...she was way bigger than any of us anticipated. Unfortunately there were a few complications that presented themselves following delivery with both Chloe and I - however our main concern was Chloe. She had ingested alot of meconium during the labor process and required deep suctioning initially which they'd hoped would immediately resolve her breathing problems. Upon further evaluation it was determined that the little Chlo-worm would require further treatment in NICU. After more suctioning and evaluation she stabilized. Her daddy was by her side the entire time, responding to his voice and coos. They got to share a whole hour together while Chloe learned to breathe and adjust to this new, bright world! :)
6:00pm: I held my little girl for the first time and gazed into those beautiful blue eyes :) As soon as she was placed on my chest she let out the most incredible sound of recognition and relief. And I was in love!
Jon and I spent the next 2 days in complete amazement. We could hardly believe she was here - and that she was so beautiful...and how much she looked just like daddy :) We also received a crash course in no sleep. Our crash course has since extended and we're going strong on one month of minimal sleep.
Chloe is an incredibly good baby. Very alert, happy, content...and feeds very well. She struggles a little bit with a sore tummy, and these are the hours I walk and rock and sing and talk til I'm sure I've burned enough calories to categorize the event as a cardio workout. We're hoping the sore tummy phase works itself out soon...there is nothing worse than seeing your newborn with a pained expression as they look into your eyes and cry for help.
In the last few days Chloe has learned to connect with you through her gaze. She is also spending small periods of time keeping herself occupied in her bouncer or swing. She loves touch, so her and I spend many hours each day snuggled up on the couch - tucked safely away from the winter weather. Cleaning the house and keeping my home in order is possible through the nifty invention of the baby sling or carrier. She loves it too! We've also managed a few outings, although I keep them to a minimum due to the cold and illness that is running wild.
We love having this little girl in our lives...she has captured the hearts of everyone in the family. I look forward to watching her grow and become her own little person. While I LOVE the newborn stage...I also look forward to watching her learn how to walk...and talk and play {and I especially look forward to her sleeping through the night!}
As a way of remembering Chloe's milestones...and documenting each step allowing far away friends and family to connect with her, I'll continue to keep the blog up. We have some very dear family and friends who are a very very very long ocean swim away...so to those family and friends, and also the ones here in the States - I'll do my best so that you too can watch this little Chlo-Worm grow :)
We've spent the pregnancy watching her form...and now we'll watch her become a little person.
Happy New Year!