Next Stop...Baby Proofing!
6:17 PMIt is just about time to begin baby proofing this house. I give it a couple more weeks and our little worm will start sprouting her little wings. Last night as I was watching her sheer determination to roll over from her back to her stomach, I was struck with the thought that this simple task of teaching her to roll over soon becomes, teaching her to crawl, walk, adjust to the big world...then fly on her own. Our job as parents begins small...and like teaching our baby how to roll over, but this is one simple puzzle piece in her becoming her own person. One day I will have to set my little girl to become a strong, independent woman. She will take what I've taught her and build on that to become what is yet a dream. She is 6 months old. We only have 17 1/2 more years before she is out of the house, on her own...chasing those dreams. What is 17 1/2 years? Nothing....It's been 14 months since the first moment we found out that we were having a baby...that time passed in the blink of an eye. There is a period in our lives when we feel life does not budge - for example, when you're a teenager. Time can't hurry up fast enough. Say goodbye to college - jump headfirst into the real world...and suddenly you have fine lines and wrinkles and staring at your 10 year wedding anniversary in the face.
Despite yet another rainy weekend, we had a good one. Saturday morning we had a nice little sleep in - all 3 of us! First sleep in that we've had in weeks. Jon and I would have woken up feeling refreshed --IF we hadn't of stayed up past our bedtime watching a movie! But then again, it's also been a very very very long time since we lay in bed and watched a movie together. Saturday and Sunday we worked hard at Chlo-worm's roll {back to stomach}. She is also starting to SIT!! Yup...she can hold it for about 10 seconds before she goes TIMBER. Give it a few more weeks and she'll be sitting unattended.
Picture of the WEEK! Sweet lil' Chloe with her GREAT Gramps! {love, love}
Jon and I were counting the months the other day and realized it's been 10 months since we went on vacation. Far too long for a bunch of recovering yuppies. Plans are in the making...and we've only changed those plans about 100 times in the last 2 months. Everything we consider, we end up talking ourselves out of. BUT, not any longer as we are 2 1/2 weeks away from our vacation days...will we be packing hiking shoes or flip flops? Ahh this is the question...soon the moving truck will pull into the driveway so we can begin that vacation packing.
I love the beginning of Summer! So much to look forward to - first lightening bug, first summer cookout, first lazy afternoon swing in the hammock...and soon it'll be time to enjoy a good summer splash! But before that, let me leave you with my TIP of the week.This applies to those mommies with small children: ALWAYS check your shoulders for snot and slobber before heading out the front door.