Dedicate. My Word for 2014

11:09 AM

I'm not one for new year resolutions. I don't spend the last week of a year scrambling for a new year resolution list. If I require a specific notable change in my life, I will implement it, whether it be March 2nd, July 27th or one sunny Saturday afternoon when I'm sunning myself like a lizard. I feed my creative blogging mind by enjoying the blogs of several mom's who are raising their children in a christ like homes, while taking the time to enjoy the small details of life alongside their husbands. These women inspire me - challenge me as a mom, and keep me thinking. For the last several years they have each chosen ONE word for the year. This one word is a reflection, something to live by or aspire to. It's a word that is personal to YOU, on that will help you live with purpose.

My word: Dedicate. I want to be more dedicate to God, my husband, my little family - my work. All that I do, I want to do with purpose and dedication. I don't want to aimlessly wonder through my days. I want to wake up each morning with a dedicated path. This is how I will make 2014 count.

So, won't you join me? Lets live for a purpose! What's your word for 2014?

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