Soon we will wear Indian feathers and be called by our new tribal names...
6:37 PMWhen you're in the mood for demolition it always feels like tearing something down is the right thing to do. Re-building is where it gets complicated. This is where we found ourselves. The deck on our house needed replacing - well technically it was fine, but Jon thought it could benefit from being introduced to a couple hundred 2x4's, screws and a drill - typical ingredients for a renovation. So we tore our deck down. And Jackson, who swings on the side of being overly sensitive about renovations, got extremely upset about his deck being destroyed. He is a creature of habit and does not like to sway from this. He "verbalizes" his disgust for change by puking...and pooping. Both way too much. So we attempted to get the deck rebuilt in a few days - but that didn't happen - and I ended up cleaning up way to much poop and puke. 3 weeks later, it is finally done. Jackson did finally adjust to exiting the house from the garage side door, instead of the french doors. However we had to retrain Gabe to exit through the french doors as he felt he was now entitled to only using the garage side door. A bit of an inconvenience when each dog prefers to exit out of their preferred door.