
6:01 PM

Our last 21 months have gone something like this. . .

The moment I first saw you, my heart skipped...soared...and was forever smitten by you. The moment daddy first handed you to me, you instantly recognized me, let out a cry of relief and snuggled in close for comfort. Most nights it was just you, me and the moon as our companion.  We fumbled as first time parents. . .but learned early on that you like a warm towel, fresh out of dryer after each bath. Colic was our enemy. . .Colic took its toll on you and I, sweet baby girl. Moments I thought we would never get through, are in the past now. As you learned, we learned. As you grew stronger, we too learned the ropes and slowly gained our confidence. You've blossomed into a social butterfly - never meeting a soul you didn't know. You wave at everyone, including the grumpy grannies in the grocery store.

We've noticed the transition from a baby into a toddler. You seek more temporary freedom but you're a mommy's girl so you always come back for a hug.  This seems to boost your confidence and independence allowing you to go out and conquer a little more before settling back in my arms. This transition is hard for me. These are the baby steps of what's to come. I have to fight the protective mama bear in me that wants to keep you by my side. You are a free spirit and you want to conquer.

We are entering a new season as a little family. You are our first - our precious little girl. You have prepared the way for a second...a little sister or brother. In March, our little Chloe, we will experience the miracle of life, again!

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