11.7.15 greatness
6:24 PMWe find ourselves in a new chapter this week. We're about to buy our 6th house - another flip, which makes 3 flip houses in 12 months. We've taken some financial risks in the past year, a little more than I would have liked given a newborn being welcomed in the midst of it. But we're looking at the end goal and a minor challenge eventually shows its worth. We seek to make a difference in life. Jon and I don't want to plod through life only leaving nothing but footprints. We want to live a life pleasing to God, to touch and inspire others, raise our children to be God fearing while giving them a strong foundation to spring from. We want to look back when we're 80 and know that we gave our all. At the end of our lives we want to hand it all back to God and say "for you…all of it".
We take the broken and tired and give it new breath. These homes we buy. . . we give new life. We give families the opportunity to start fresh and new in a home that we rebuilt. It's a lot of work, time, money and energy but on the day we plant our For Sale sign, we step back and know we gave the home our ALL. It's a sound and secure home. It's a place of GREATNESS. A home of greatness where greatness will stem.
It's taken Jon and I years to get to the point we are today. Hundreds of hours spent working on weekends, late at night. . .and finally we are seeing our dreams take flight. Oh so slowly gain momentum. We are working towards a dream . . .towards greatness. . .towards God.
Some words from those who have either found the words to describe it better, or who are on the path to greatness at the moment . . .
You were born with potential.
You were born with goodness and trust. You were born with ideal and dreams. You were born with greatness.
You were born were born with wings.
You are not meant for crawling so don't.
You have wings.
Learn to use them and fly.
- Rumi
Never underestimate the power of dreams and the influence of the human spirit. We are all the same in this notion: The potential for greatness lives within each one of us.
- Lewis Howes
Greatness means having pride in yourself, being happy with yourself, knowing you've worked for something and couldn't have done anything more. That is greatness itself.
- Shawn Johnson
Greatness is cultivating the charter and habits that not only lead to success but also help you overcome any challenge or adversity. It's about lifting yourself up from the depths of despair and using mindfulness, joy, and love to harness your dreams.
- Lewis Howes