Week 8

5:20 PM

Here we are - in the midst of week 8. The baby is measuring the size of a raspberry and growing 1mm every day! In addition to that she/he now has taste buds :) I guess that's why I've found a new love in pickle spears and watermelon - yes, together. In fact just thinking about my new found combination makes me want to dash back into the kitchen and sample the unlikely food coupling, again...for the 3rd time today. 

I've been feeling rather exhausted still - and Jon is suffering from sympathy symptoms too. Or is that because vacation is just around the corner? Perhaps both. Either way we are getting good practice in suffering from exhaustion. I don't think the practice ever makes you an expert, just merely more zombified.

In other news, my body is slowly rebuilding the blood platelets that were syringed out of my body at the last doctor's appointment. Yup - 5 big vials full. My precious AB+ blood is probably sitting underneath a microscope being analyzed for every single hormone, tropical disease and vitamin deficiency known to man. Excellent.

Until next week...we will await those blood test results. Thanks for checking in!

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