Week 17

2:12 PM

The baby's room....

The baby room will have a gray facing wall and 3 cream walls. Looks like the paint is going on this weekend! Perhaps the murals will be painted too if we're extra lucky.

We've had a tremendous amount of rain in the last few days, as a result the humidity has done a number on my appearance - so this week, as I am suffering from what I would describe as continuous bad hair day, here is a pic of the growing belly. . .

17 weeks 5 days
Most of my little orders from etsy arrived too! I have one final shipment on it's way - a red minky changing pad cover from The Owl's Nest on etsy.  Here is a sneak peak of what we've bought in the last few days.
Comfort Lamb from Bliss, Receiving Blankets Ahmelie.com on etsy and knitted blanket from etsy
Baby Gap sweat pants! These are just the cutest little things! 
Burp Cloths from Ahmelie.com on etsy
Receiving blanket from Ahmelie.com on etsy
https://www.etsy.com/people/Ahmelie  here's the link if you want to check out her inventory
Week 17 has seen more baby movement - s/he is moving alot more during the day now. Also, each morning the little one is laying very far forward making my belly rock hard with a very distinct outline of the baby. I feel like the clock has slowed down tremendously now that we have the gender appointment scheduled. I'm still leaning towards a girl - and I think my recent shopping indicates this :)

How big is baby this week? S/he is an onion! Bones are getting stronger and s/he is gaining weight in order to put some meat on those little bones. To help her/him out my body has done the honors of gaining a total of 4 lbs (again total, not only this week :) ) . This week has been a good week - each day noticeably bigger.

Fingers crossed the painting in the baby room will be done so I can start posting pictures! Check in soon coz they're coming...If anyone finds a really cute grey owl cushion for the baby crib, please let me know - I'm on the search! Something like the one below...

Have a good weekend!

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