A Bowl Full of Lemons
12:59 PMSince moving into a house with more corners and hallways...and having a little one to chase around the house constantly, I find my previous once a week deep clean schedule no longer happens. So I've been seeking creative methods to keep this house clean while also being organized. Like many working mom's, there are many moving parts to our lives. Mornings are a crazy split of trying to get ready for work, making sure the baby is dressed, fed, hair brushed- while you attempt to find matching socks out of the laundry pile that seems to be multiplying before your eyes. Caffeine intake is a necessity, so I'm trying to enjoy my cuppa joe while straight ironing my hair and slapping on the mascara in the midst of a baby crawling up my leg like a little spider monkey. Who's with me?
So. . . about 2 weeks ago I took a deep breath and decided I needed to make some changes around the house. Changes to the cleaning schedule that is. This is when I came across "A Bowl Full of Lemons". Have you seen this site? I was amazed...and I mean completely astounded by this woman's incredible ability to clean and organize. Talk about some major inspiration! Toni encourages daily cleaning. In fact she breaks it down in steps making it more manageable. Granted her daily suggestion will take you about 1 hour and 15 minutes to complete, and some days this schedule is nearly impossible, so I do the "skinny" version of her suggested daily cleaning 101. This is her list, in case you feel like super woman and would like to tackle her entire list daily: