Welcome to Fall!

10:03 AM

Our little family has seen alot of change in the last 6 weeks. As has the blog. We've changed the name to The Addington OutPost - sounds ole' timey, cowboy like, huh? I love a good cowboy book,  or movie - or boots. So from here on forward, look for us on the Addington OutPost - where we will post the village happenings!

Alongside the changes, you will remember our latter Summer months saw much teething. So, how is the baltic amber necklace working, you ask? I want to kiss the person who thought to string amber beads around a child's neck. Seriously. That person is a genius. My last 2 posts have indicated a teething child...and lack of sleep - actually the lack of sleep is where I was going with this comment - but then again, the two are actually one. In this post I am happy to say all is going well in the teeth division - thanks to the amber necklace.

If you're following alongside us on FB, you would have seen the recent video I posted of our "inch worm" Chloe has developed a crawl all her own. It is quite evident that she will not follow the crowd when it comes to the generic crawl method. She is discovering all corners of the house - each day she can go a little further...each day she gets in to something new...each day mommy has to perform 100 visual sweeps of the premises to ensure all choking hazards are removed from reach. There is a benefit to having a mobile child - the house is always clean and sanitized!

Chloe is very expressive and can be very vocal - as it relates to decibels. When she's around alot of people she is as quiet as a church mouse - barely makes a peep as she would rather just take it all in. Put her in an environment where she is comfortable and she suddenly comes ALIVE! She chats and gets rather excited and expressive about things. Recently we were grocery shopping - which happens to be a TOP 5 favorite for her as she loves her "ride". I put a bag of apples beside her as the mesh bag keeps her entertained -  on our trip around aisle 9 she started getting frustrated with this one particular apple and she let out an ear piercing shout of frustration. The old grannies on the other side of the grocery store would have winced at the volume. But, this is all part of learning the art of communication :)

For those readers joining in from the US - Happy Fall! Have you bought your pumpkins, pansies, apple cider and hay bales? I spent last weekend planting purple, yellow and white pansies and then placed scarecrow in charge of watching them grow. Chloe adores Scarecrows...I don't know what it is about them, but we can get a giggle out of her every time. In the coming weeks we will make out first trip to the pumpkin patch - our first hay bale ride of the season! You can bet that the new house will be all decorated for Fall come the weekend of the pumpkin patch.

We are getting closer to getting the house in order for the house 'tour'...the dining room walls enjoyed a roller massage this past weekend. Kitchen walls are next on the schedule.

Hope you all have a fab rest of the week! Lets go enjoy this fresh air and apple cider!

Til next time. . .

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