17 weeks

5:44 PM

This week our trio has battled a little cold virus. I was hoping we'd all feel better by now but it's apparent we are still under its spell. This is a tough little virus coz Jon and I always manage to dodge them...but it got us this time.

So despite feeling under the weather we did have a big event occur this week. Wednesday evening we made the decision to begin Chloe's transition into her big girl bed. This may seem like a non event - but it's H.U.G.E! As we moved her crib out of her room and into the baby's room. . .and brought in her big girl bed I was AMAZED that we were at this point with Chloe. How is she old enough for this? Last night was her first night in her new bed and she adjusted a lot better than we thought. Only took a 2nd visit to her room to calm her back down and settle her back in for the night...she slept a whopping 11 hours after that! Tonight she fell asleep as her little head hit the pillow. No second visit. Fingers crossed it carries on like this :)

So here I am. . .17 weeks. I'm definitely moving slower this week and needing to rest just a little more. I feel like such a wimp! But I found its easier to listen to your body than fight it. After reading our baby website it turns out though that I'm right on track for this type of exhaustion as the baby is rapidly increasing in size...and so am I. In fact we should see some higher numbers on the scale in the very near future. So what is baby's size you might ask? She/he is the size of an onion! Just over 5 inches long (crown to rump) and his/her soft bone is starting the strengthen. The baby is also starting to put some meat on those bones...and some fat.

Total weight gain: 4.5lbs
Maternity clothes? As I work from home now I've found it easier to ditch the jeans and general wardrobe attire and just go with clothes that stretch.  
Stretch marks? none yet!
Sleep: Not too bad. 
Best moment this week: Jon was finally able to feel the baby move :) 
Miss Anything? Not this week. 
 she/he rolls and flips ever so gently. In fact all his/her movement is gentle and calm. 
Food cravings: I'm back on my pickle diet. Love pickles.
Gender: We decided, after much much much debate, that YES we will find out the gender! So we'll know in the next 2 weeks if this papoose is a girl or boy! 

Symptoms: SI joint/lower back pain
Belly Button in or out? Out.
Wedding rings on or off? On

Happy or Moody : Happy.

Looking forward to: I have a doctor's appointment this week. . .this will also allow for us to schedule the BIG ultrasound appointment - 20 weeks. Can you believe that? We are almost 1/2 way there!

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