30 Weeks
6:35 PMWe have hit the big THREE - 0 folks!
My constant companion has been pulling what feels like all nighters with me - when you're along for the ride you have no choice, right? Chloe has been sick. We're in the process of ruling out allergies, and currently we're down to two: gluten and lactose. This has meant long days, and long nights in our little household. Declan agrees. As soon as we both settle for the night, we're awoken to celebrate more moonlight.
In the midst of this, Declan has learned to wiggle more. My tummy appears to have a constant rolling rhythm at times. And to think he has to more than double his current weight...I'm hoping double, but more than double is a scary thought!
We woke to a valley overcome by fog and rain today. One of those mornings when you're almost sure it's 2 hours earlier than what it is. The morning rain became an all day rain - and an all day fog. I watched the steady, constant down pour outside my office window. . .the sound of rain only interrupted by the sounds of my office space - a ringing phone, a quiet email chime. The rain really is a beautiful thing when you stop to appreciate it. Like all things. Motherhood is incredible, being a wife is an amazing experience too. Throughout the day my mind kept returning to something I'd read a few days ago that had a huge impact on me - simply because of the reality of it. I'd like to share it with you as most can probably relate:
Ladies, there will come a day when you spend every last ounce of yourselves on your children. The demands of life and the babies will come before any other priority. What little of yourself you have left at the end of the day will be used to crawl into bed before someone is awake to need you again. The thought of doing anything else after the children are asleep will sound impossible and your handsome husband’s happy smile had better mean he is willing to get up with the baby and nothing more.
The husband that once completed your heart will be just one more person who needs you. The charming things that you fell for will go unnoticed. The daily grind will become expected.
Men, there will come a time when that beautiful bride sitting next to you hasn’t showered in days. She will be at her wit’s end wearing other people’s food and poop on her clothing. She will need to hear that she is beautiful, but she won’t listen to you. She will need to know that she is still lovable, but she won’t want you near her. When you arrive home after meeting the demands of work, you will be expected to meet the demands of your family. Your wife will hear none of your exhaustion, and you will see none of hers.
Men, you will call home to ask a quick question and anticipate a two-minute conversation. Half of it will be spent listening to your wife talk to your kids. As a matter of fact, you will make it no more than a few sentences in to any conversation ever before your wife spurts out direction to your children.“Don’t climb that!” or “Don’t sit on your sister!” You will become accustomed to these outbursts, but you will forget that there was ever a time when you had her full attention.
But Ladies, when Mommy becomes your name, remember this man. Remember that you are his wife. Remember how much you love and appreciate him in this moment. Remember his dedication to your family. Remember his love and devotion to you. And then, when the days are long and you need a break, fall into his arms.
Men, remember your bride. The care and love that she has given you will soon be spilled over to your children. Her love for you will not change. Give her the grace to be enough even when she doesn’t feel like it. Remember when your days are long, hers are too. Remember her. Fall in love with her again.
Remember each other. Remember the two that made the family. Let the Lord lead you both together. Because when the days are endless and the hours short, it will only be His love who keeps you together. It will only be His mercy that gently guides your hearts as one. Hold tightly to one another, and even more tightly to the Lord. There is no greater adventure for you to experience and no greater gift than to walk through parenthood with your best friend. You are a team. Every single day.