31 Weeks
6:39 PMOne winter week down. One more week living in what seems like a dormant world. Winter does have it's beauty, but that's mostly when there is a soft blanket of fresh snow covering the brown crunchy world. We are still waiting for that first real good snow. In the meantime, we are just wrapping up week 31 of this expansion project. Declan is almost at his birth length! He has also done alot of growing this week - especially in the last 2 days. I'd imagine that would be the reasoning for the returned lower back pain. In fact, back pain is a complete understatement. Although my current state of agony is probably due to me getting all OCD over my kitchen floor last night...I was on my hands and knees scrubbing every last inch.
So today, instead of going crazy-pregnant-woman on all the other floors in my house, I did this. . .
My prego app made the first mention of The Hospital Bag. Time to begin pondering that, apparently. On one side I'm like, absolutely coz lets get this baby here already!!! Then I wonder how the heck time has flown so quickly that we are ALREADY talking about the hospital bag. The next month is the final prep - bags will be packed, carseat installed, Chloe plans made.
Until then, I will continue to grow this little dude, while adjusting to the fact that we finally conquered one child and now #2 is almost baked :) I have a huge respect for parents with multiple kiddies. . .teach me that juggle I want to shout! How do you put them both down for naps, which one goes first? How do you stop a newborn from waking the other child? Should I go ahead and buy shares in Pampers given I'll have TWO kids in diapers at the same time? Oh the questions, I have many.
If you want to pass on some advice, you know where to find me!