And the ARTIST of the YEAR award goes to. . .
10:54 AMWe have an artist in the making. If you follow us on Instagram, you'll know what I'm referring to. Ink, chalk, glue - any staining substance really, allows for a better creative mark. It's always that ONE pen, that ONE crayon...that dang piece of bright orange chalk to keeps finding its way into my 2 year old's hands. The other morning Chloe decided our cream rug in the living room would look better if she got on all fours and with great gusto expended all her energy in changing a 2 x 2 foot area to bright yellow. But that orange chalk I mentioned...Declan has a chalk board in his room so while I quickly folded laundry the other day I gave her some chalk to draw with. In 2 minutes flat she had drawn simulated stick people on every.single.wall..the cream carpet, the cream rocking chair, the cream an effort not to leave anything out, she even left her mark on Declan's bookshelves.