34 Weeks

5:45 PM

Here we are, drawing to an end of week 34. The pinched nerve I reported last week has settled down in the last few days, allowing me more movement. Very grateful for that as my work schedule kept me busy as I attended meetings and dinner parties for a good portion of the week. This coming week will allow for the slow wind down as I enjoy my last 3 weeks of work.

In other news - Declan seems to have dropped. I can breathe again. I can walk up our flight of stairs and get to the top with a few spare breathes. I'll be ready for a marathon shortly after Declan's arrival :) Okay okay - maybe not. 

I was listening to the weather report the other day and the weather man said, it's a sunny 20 degrees outside but with the wind chills it feels more like 5 degrees. That is about where I am with this pregnancy right now. Declan is about 5lbs but he feels like 10lbs! See how much he grew this week? Yeah, I could tell when I went to put my socks on. I was also determined to do a pedicure the other night - I felt like a spastic frog having to bend my leg in completely unnatural positions in order to reach my toes. I did it though - despite being out of breath and Jon's look of concern. He was probably more concerned for Declan than me though. . .

This evening we installed Declan's car seat. Chloe has been SO excited about baby Declan sitting next to her in the car. I asked her the other day if Declan was going to be her little buddy . . ."Yes mommy. Declan is my little bunny".  :) 

Here is another funny moment: As we were reversing out of the driveway yesterday morning Chloe says to Jon and I - "So. . . I got soap in my eyes when I was showering". This had occurred the night before when she accidentally touched her eyes after holding the bar of soap. So I asked her who helped her get the soap out of her eyes, knowing it was me as it took a good 3 minutes to flush her eyes enough to settle her back down...her response: "it was me, I got it out". So I started laughing, and she holds up her finger to me and says "No mommy, you are not funny!". Haha. This child. 

It's a wrap for this week. Thanks for checking in to see where week 34 found us. I'm ready for this next week - I hear satin pj's is the SECRET to sliding in and out of bed...make that satin pj's and satin sheets and you have a deal. . .

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