10.1.15 my mama said there'd be days like this. . .

5:50 PM

Today I didn't brush my hair. I didn't even try cover up the dark circles under my eyes, and I fed my little family ice-cream before dinner just so I could enjoy 10 minutes of non chaos. Some days it's survival.

Chloe drew up my arm in black ball point pen. Declan wiped snot all over my shirt. I fought with the carseat and finally, after 30 minutes of fighting it into its secure place in the car, I loaded the kids only to realize I had put Chloe's carseat together wrong after washing it last night. It was raining, it was cold, Declan was protesting - Chloe insistent on feeding me 12 pieces of spearmint gum. Finally, everyone loaded, I turn the car key only to hear silence. . .dead car.

Chloe napped, Declan protested naps all day. Chloe bounced off the walls and threw half of Declan's bedroom down the stairs, laughing hysterically as items bounced off the landing. Picking my battles, and saving my energy, in the middle of a 15 minute 2 year old tantrum I  asked Chloe to go pack her bags and pick some books coz we were going to Mexico. Instant silence and immediate action. I won and didn't even have to explain myself when we didn't even end up leaving for the airport.

The good from today you ask? Ice-cream. It was pretty delicious.

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