10.7.15 oils

6:17 PM

To say I was a skeptic is probably the understatement of the year. Seriously. And by seriously I mean S.E.R.I.O.U.S.L.Y. But I'm linked with a group of incredible moms who are all firm believers in essential oils. For months and months they've all shared their incredible love for the product and I've just skipped over their success stories coz really, I was that skeptic. Then in passing one day I was reading a post from one of the moms and she was talking about how much the young living essential oils had helped her son with carsickness. And I was like "hmmm". So I read a little bit on it, and it piqued my interest. So I read a little more and more…and then I invested in the premium kit. I've had my kit for 2 weeks now. . .and I LOVE IT! The kids have lavender diffusing in their rooms as we speak and I have my own little blend of thieves and citrus permeating the air. 

Chloe got a stomach bug last Friday - and she was down for the count. I rubbed a little carrier oil with one drop of DiGize on her belly and within minutes she stopped throwing up. After a little more TLC and a warm bath with another drop of DiGize, she was 100% in less than 24 hours. It was amazing. 

Each morning I start work with the smell of citrus diffusing. Gives me a little extra boost (that and my GREENS!!) Coz the good Lord knows I need some energy :) 
I'm not gonna push essential oils in case you feel the same way I did - but I did want to share my very good thing from today. Wink wink! But if you want some, you know where to find me. 

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