10.15.15 sleep - say what?

6:15 PM

We hired a sleep consultant yesterday. Never thought I'd say that. In recent months it seems we need an army to keep us in motion. Declan has been killing us one night at a time. I have a job that requires me to be on point, accurate and engaged - and Jon is highly active while also running up and down 40 foot ladders on a hour by hour basis. With no sleep we felt we were falling apart of the seams. Enter Violet. I met her  yesterday morning at 10am. At 10pm I reckon she was my best friend…probably one sided, but I'm claiming her :)

She took our current bedtime routine - shook it up and presented it back to us. We tried it out, made an extra tweak or two and do you know what? Declan only woke up ONE time for a brief feed ALL NIGHT LONG. Perhaps beginners luck, but thank you to the good Lord Jesus for the longest night we have had in 8 months!

Tonight we used her method, and you know what? Declan put HIMSELF to sleep in 7 minutes! One of Violet's recommendations is for Declan to sleep with a lovey (something small that he can cuddle with). So we added that to his bedtime routine. I went in there to check on him about 30 minutes after he'd fallen asleep and he had his arm wrapped tightly around his lovey! Ahh man, melt my heart!

We have 10 more hours left of this night. Wish us luck for night #2!

PS. If you are looking for a little sleep - don't hesitate. Just visit Violet HERE. Seriously. SERIOUSLY.

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