9.17.15 first night
6:58 PMTonight is a first night for:
1. Declan in his big boy room. Bitter sweet. Tomorrow night I may request we disassemble Declan's ENTIRE crib and move it back into our room.
2. Jon and I spending an evening together in a quiet house. . .and a BONUS…dinner with just the two of us! say what?! (yup, this really happened ((after Declan went to bed)) )
3. Chloe spent the evening with her aunties, uncles, cousins, granny and poppy at the County Fair. They picked her up early as a surprise and enjoyed the late afternoon/early evening together. Her first evening EVER away from us.
You know when you're in the stage of very young children you feel consumed by that particular time period. . .tonight, it was different. Tonight was a realization (again!) that kids don't stay little long enough. Just like the image below that I posted last night on fb. . .a preview of what's to come in 16 years' time. Oh my soul.