9.22.15 last day of summer
7:27 PMTonight the setting of the sun not only marked the end of September 22nd…it marked the end of Summer too. No more lightening bugs, hot summer nights, hotter summer days…humidity that clings to your every pore. No more summer thunderstorms. . .heat lightening. No more tank tops, shorts and sandals, no more beach trips, sunburn and suntan lotion. No more summer garden, blooming daisies and wilted ferns. The leather seats in my car will no longer burn the back of my legs when I climb in . . .the air conditioning bill will no longer reflect constant usage, nor will the neighborhood experience the constant hum of the air units. We'll open our windows to smell Fall. We'll let the cool breeze blow through the house. . .through our hair, and through our car's sunroof. We'll replace the summer's exhausted flowers with mums and pumpkins. Warm up some apple cider and enjoy cool evenings by the fire. All because tomorrow is Fall!